
It is our mission to create a community where you can BELIEVE in Jesus Christ, BELONG to a community, BECOME all that the Holy Spirit predestined for you, and BE SENT out to advance the Kingdom of God!


To be a diverse, spirit-filled, gospel-centered, community of faith, who believe in and belong to Jesus Christ and the local church body; becoming more like Him, while growing together and doing life together, as we serve our city, our state and our world to advance God's Kingdom. This is summarized by the four key pillars of FaithPointe; BELIEVE, BELONG, BECOME, BE SENT. FaithPointe is driven by what we do in and through the community. Our goal is to make a positive impact on the lives of people we encounter, both daily and occasionally. At FaithPointe, we believe "it's not about building a church, but rather a community of believers."






What does FaithPointe mean to you?

 FaithPointe represents an organic, intimate community of believers who are doing life together, as we grow deeper in our individual and collective relationships with Jesus. We are led by the Holy Spirit, and we give Him room to guide our services, events, and every day lives.

Lady J Johnson

Lead Pastor

The heartbeat of FaithPointe is to submit to the mandate of relying on the power of the Holy Spirit to raise up leaders so they can become all that Christ has for them to be.

Pastor AJ Johnson

Founder & Lead Pastor

  FaithPointe exists to help accomplish a better or improved you, or to shed light on what you are going through. For our community, worship opens the heavens, and the messages give us a direction on where we should go as a body of believers in Christ.

Pastor Gregory Davis

Worship Pastor

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